In the web industry,trends don’t last very long, so with that in mind, here are some of the website trends MYNT believes will be big for web design 2017.

Age-Responsive Design

Websites should not be “one size fits all”. A 10 year old will have different internet experience compared to an adult. Soon, sites will be created to adapt their content and structure to a wide range of ages because online advertisers are already tailoring content to the specific interests of each user.  Font sizes and spacing will increase to accommodate the elderly among other things.

Mobile-First Approach

With mobile phones officially named the primary devices for browsing the web, more companies are realising the importance of having websites that deliver content on smaller screens. Mobile-first design is the process of designing for mobile or smaller screened devices first, then working up to the bigger ones. So be prepared to see more sites next year delivering their content to smaller screens first, rather mobile design being an after-thought to the desktop build.

Authentic Photographs

Photographs will always be a main-stay within web design but note that users now desire authentic photographs and they can tell between stock and authentic photographs. So don’t be surprised when you notice that brands and designers are more careful about the images they use on websites, or they actually hire professional photographers to take their shots, which frame them in the way they want to be seen.


By 2017 animation will play a bigger role in websites because animation comes in all different shapes, sizes and styles, and can serve different purposes. Animations can also range from tiny loading devices which entertain the user while waiting for content to load, to a much larger scale, like full-screen animations, and explainer videos.

So be on the lookout for ways you can implement animation in your website and services. Website animations will enhance the user’s experience.

Video Becomes King

Video is not new in website trends; it is already huge but according to Hubspot by 2018, 79% of all consumer internet traffic will be video and 50% of all mobile traffic is now already video-based. If you’re not convinced that video is the way to go for 2017 you are risking falling behind.It  is a trend which is set to continue even more so until it completely dominates the web and all online content.

They say a picture paints a thousand words, but a video will do wonders using sound and movement to appeal to the senses and hold users’ attention for longer.

Need help staying on top of the website trends? Mynt Productions specializes in Website Design and Digital Marketing. To inquire about our services contact us at or call Victoria.

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