Pinterest is a virtual corkboard. The idea is to organize and share the great things you find online and find more ideas from the people you follow. Pins feature ideas ranging from crafts, recipes, style, home design and decorations.
Once you pin something to a board, it’s there for you to remember when you need it.
Pinterest for business can be a really valuable tool for people with a specific purpose in mind. For example, many brides-to-be have replace wedding planners with the simplicity and portability of a Pinterest account. Some people create a Board for each room in the house and then pin decorating ideas for that space. Artists use it to organize inspiring images for their work. Cooks keep online recipe boxes. College students might create shopping lists of things they need to buy for school. DIY-ers can bookmark tutorials for those rainy day projects.
What is a Pinterest Pin?
A pin is an image, simple as that. The pin is usually linked to a website featuring more information about the pin. For example, if someone pins an image of an amazing salad or kids craft, by clicking on the picture, you are taken to the website or blog that will tell you how to make the salad or craft.
What is a Pinterest board?
A board holds your pins, just like a corkboard does. Boards help you organize all your pins by style, recipes, travel, interior design, etc. Create a “Recipes” board for all the great recipes you find, a “Kids” board for crafts and room decorating ideas, a board for inspirational quotes, and so much more. The board possibilities are endless as are your pins.
Just like Twitter, you re-tweet, so on Pinterest, you re-pin. The idea is the same. You re-pin someone else's pin to one of your boards for your followers to see, comment on and re-pin for themselves. You can also add your own text to the pin.
Pinterest Following
Start by following your friends and see if your favourite sites and companies have Pinterest boards to follow. A simple search in the upper left hand corner can lead you to pinners with your same interests. Don’t be afraid to unfollow boards or pinners, you don’t want to clog your page with unwanted pins
How to join Pinterest
Pinterest recently moved from invite-only to open registration with your email, Facebook account or Twitter account.
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